الأدوات والمعدات
Goldblatt قاعدة عصا متحركة Goldblatt
يتيح لك قاعدة عصا متحركة إلى مقبض الزر مقاس 1 ⅜ بوصة من Goldblatt قفل مقابض الأدوات في أي وضع ضمن نطاق 180 درجة لسهولة الاستخدام. ما عليك سوى تدوير المقبض في اتجاه عقارب الساعة لتثبيته في موضعه وعكس اتجاه عقارب الساعة لفتحه. المميزات الرئيسية: يناسب أي أداة ذات موصل من النوع العمودي، مثل الحواف، والأخاديد، والفرش، والعوامات الضخمة يسمح بقفل مقابض الأدوات في أي وضع ضمن نطاق 180 درجة آلية قفل سهلة عن طريق تدوير المقبض تحديد: الحجم: 1 ⅜ بوصة الوزن: 0.32
16.650 JD
WorkPro مشبك زنبركي مقاس 1 بوصة
الوصف: مشبك WORKPRO الزنبركي مقاس 1 بوصة WP232010 هو مشبك يدوي صغير الحجم وقوي مصمم لمجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات. يضمن أنفه الدوار المبتكر ضغطًا دقيقًا ومحاذاة على أشكال وأسطح مختلفة، مما يوفر دعمًا مثاليًا دون إتلاف المواد. مثالي لمهام مثل تثبيت قطع العمل في مكانها أثناء النجارة، أو تأمين القماش المشمع في الموقع، أو التثبيت المؤقت في مشاريع DIY المختلفة. المميزات الرئيسية: أنف دوار مبتكر: يضمن الضغط الدقيق والمحاذاة على الأشكال والأسطح المختلفة. زنبرك ضغط فولاذي قوي: يوفر قوة تثبيت ثابتة من أجل تثبيت آمن. تصميم المقبض المريح: يوفر قبضة مريحة وغير قابلة للانزلاق أثناء الاستخدام. حجم صغير: سعة تثبيت 1 بوصة (25 مم) مناسبة لمجموعة واسعة من المهام. بناء متين: مصمم ليتحمل الاستخدام المنتظم في بيئات مختلفة. تطبيق متعدد الاستخدامات: مثالي لأعمال النجارة والحرف اليدوية واحتياجات التثبيت العامة. تحديد: سعة التثبيت: 1 بوصة (25 مم) المواد: هيكل من النايلون المقوى نوع الفك: أنف دوار لمحاذاة دقيقة المقبض: تصميم مريح لقبضة مريحة آلية الزنبرك: زنبرك ضغط فولاذي قوي الوزن: حوالي 0.11 كجم اللون: عادةً ما يكون أحمر وأسود (تأكد من ذلك مع بائع التجزئة) الأبعاد: حجم صغير لسهولة التعامل والتخزين الاستخدام: مناسب لمهام التثبيت المختلفة في ورش العمل ومواقع البناء والمشاريع المنزلية.
0.800 JD
WorkPro 1-1/2" (38mm) Ratcheting Spring Clamp
Description: The WORKPRO 1-1/2" (38mm) Ratcheting Spring Clamp WP232013 is a versatile and durable tool designed for various clamping needs. Its reinforced nylon construction ensures high strength and longevity, while the strong ratchet mechanism allows for adjustable tension to securely hold materials of different shapes and sizes. The quick-release feature facilitates easy adjustment and removal, making it ideal for woodworking, DIY projects, and other applications requiring reliable clamping. Key Features: Strong Ratchet Mechanism: Allows for adjustable tension to accommodate various clamping needs. Reinforced Nylon Construction: Provides enhanced strength and durability for long-term use. Quick-Release Mechanism: Enables easy adjustment and removal of the clamp. Dual Swivel Pads: Adapt to different workpiece shapes and sizes, ensuring a secure grip without damaging surfaces. Ergonomic Design: Offers comfortable handling during extended use. Specifications: Clamping Capacity: 1-1/2" (38mm) Material: Reinforced nylon Jaw Type: Dual swivel pads Handle: Ergonomic design Ratchet Mechanism: Strong ratchet for adjustable tension Quick Release: Yes Weight: Approximately 291g Dimensions: 245mm (L) x 128mm (W) x 29mm (H) Color: Typically blue and black (confirm with retailer) Usage: Suitable for clamping tasks in woodworking, DIY projects, and more.
3.200 JD
Goldblatt طقم تخريم 1-3/8 انش goldblatt
تم تصميم نظام Pacesetter 1-3/8in. Hole Saw لحفر بلاط السيراميك والبورسلين والرخام والجرانيت. يتميز بحافة قطع من كربيد التنجستن لقطع أسرع وأكثر سلاسة. يتضمن النظام دليل حفر وكوب تبريد بالماء لتسهيل الحفر الرطب فقط، مما يضمن الدقة والكفاءة. المميزات الرئيسية: حافة قطع من حبيبات كربيد التنغستن لتحسين أداء القطع مناسب للاستخدام مع معظم المثاقب اليدوية الكهربائية (باستثناء مثاقب المطرقة) يتضمن دليل الحفر وكأس تبريد المياه للحفر الرطب الفعال متوافق مع شريط التركيب البديل الإضافي المكون من 12 حزمة (G02004) تحديد: المقاس: 1-3/8 بوصة الأبعاد: طول المنتج: 2 بوصة؛ عرض المنتج: 4.30 بوصة الوزن: 0.51 رطل (حوالي 0.23 كجم) المواد: حافة القطع المصنوعة من حبيبات كربيد التنغستن اللون: رمادي متطلبات الطاقة: متوافقة مع معظم المثاقب اليدوية الكهربائية (لا تستخدمها مع المثاقب المطرقة) مواصفات أخرى: مصممة لتطبيقات الحفر الرطبة فقط
11.250 JD
Goldblatt طقم حفر 1/4 انش PaceSetter
تم تصميم نظام مثقاب Pacesetter مقاس 1/4 بوصة لحفر بلاط السيراميك والبورسلين والرخام والجرانيت. يتميز بحافة قطع من حبيبات كربيد التنجستن لقطع أسرع وأكثر سلاسة. يتضمن النظام دليل حفر وكوب تبريد بالماء لضمان الحفر بكفاءة ودقة. المميزات الرئيسية: حافة قطع من حبيبات كربيد التنغستن لتحسين أداء القطع مناسب للاستخدام مع معظم المثاقب اليدوية الكهربائية (باستثناء مثاقب المطرقة) يتضمن دليل الحفر وكوب تبريد الماء للحفر الرطب فقط تحديد: الحجم: 1/4 بوصة الأبعاد: طول المنتج: 1 بوصة؛ عرض المنتج: 4.30 بوصة الوزن: 0.25 رطل المواد: حافة القطع المصنوعة من حبيبات كربيد التنغستن اللون: رمادي متطلبات الطاقة: متوافقة مع معظم المثاقب اليدوية الكهربائية (لا تستخدمها مع المثاقب المطرقة) المواصفات الأخرى: متوفر في رؤوس مثقاب مقاس 5/16 بوصة و1/4 بوصة؛ شريط تثبيت بديل إضافي مكون من 12 قطعة متوفر (G02004)
7.500 JD
WorkPro 10" (250mm) Fence Pliers
Description: The WORKPRO 10" (250mm) Fence Pliers WP231011 are versatile tools designed for tasks such as cutting, hammering, and gripping, making them ideal for fence installation and maintenance. Constructed from drop-forged steel, these pliers are heat-treated and fully polished for enhanced durability and corrosion resistance. The ergonomic handle ensures a comfortable grip during prolonged use. Key Features: Multi-functional design suitable for cutting, hammering, and gripping 10" (250mm) length for optimal leverage Drop-forged steel construction for durability Heat-treated and fully polished for corrosion resistance Ergonomic handle for comfortable grip Specifications: Dimensions: 10" (250mm) length Weight: NA Material: Drop-forged steel Color Options: NA Power Requirements: None Other Specs: Heat-treated and fully polished for enhanced durability
6.650 JD
Milwaukee مفتاح أنابيب الألومنيوم مقاس 10 بوصات
الوصف: تم تصميم مفتاح الأنابيب الألومنيوم مقاس 10 بوصات من Milwaukee لتحقيق أقصى قدر من الإنتاجية والمتانة، حيث يتميز بتصميم فك العضة الزائدة الذي يوفر أكبر سطح للإمساك. المميزات الرئيسية: تصميم الفك العلوي: يوفر أكبر سطح للإمساك من أجل تثبيت آمن على الأنابيب والتجهيزات. نوابض لولبية مزدوجة: تضمن أقصى قدر من المتانة وإطالة عمر الأداة. شكل المقبض المريح: مصمم لتوفير أقصى قدر من الراحة، ومنع الانزعاج أثناء الاستخدام لفترات طويلة. الفكين المتصلبين بالكامل: يوفران قبضة متزايدة ومتانة للأسنان في ظروف موقع العمل الصعبة. حلقة مقبض جاهزة للربط: تسمح بالتثبيت السهل للأحزمة، مما يعزز السلامة أثناء العمل. تحديد: الطول: 10 بوصات (254 ملم) الوزن: 1.5 رطل (0.68 كجم) سعة الفك: 1-1/2 بوصة (38 مم) المواد: الألومنيوم خيارات الألوان: الأحمر متطلبات الطاقة: التشغيل اليدوي مواصفات أخرى: مناسبة للاستخدام مع أحجام الأنابيب المختلفة التي يصل قطرها إلى 1-1/2 بوصة.
45.000 JD
WorkPro 10" Cr-V Groove Joint Pliers
Description: The WORKPRO 10" Cr-V Groove Joint Pliers WP231111WE are designed for versatile gripping and holding tasks. Constructed from durable chrome vanadium steel, these pliers offer high leverage for increased power and feature hardened cutting edges for enhanced performance. The bi-material handle provides an anti-slip and comfortable grip, ensuring user safety and comfort during prolonged use. Key Features: Durable chrome vanadium steel construction High leverage design for extra power Hardened cutting edges for improved performance Bi-material handle for anti-slip and comfortable grip Specifications: Size: 10 inches Material: Chrome vanadium steel Handle Material: Bi-material for enhanced grip Color Options: Typically features a blue and red handle design Power Requirements: None (manual operation) Other Specs: Suitable for gripping various shapes and sizes; ideal for plumbing, automotive, and general applications
5.500 JD
Milwaukee مفتاح أنابيب فولاذية مقاس 10 بوصات
الوصف: تم تصميم مفتاح الأنابيب الفولاذي Milwaukee مقاس 10 بوصات لتحقيق أقصى قدر من الإنتاجية والمتانة، حيث يتميز بتصميم فك العضة الزائدة الذي يوفر أكبر سطح للإمساك. المميزات الرئيسية: تصميم الفك العلوي: يوفر أكبر سطح للإمساك من أجل تثبيت آمن على الأنابيب والتجهيزات. نوابض لولبية مزدوجة: تضمن أقصى قدر من المتانة وإطالة عمر الأداة. شكل المقبض المريح: مصمم لتوفير أقصى قدر من الراحة، ومنع الانزعاج أثناء الاستخدام لفترات طويلة. الفكين المتصلبين بالكامل: يوفران قبضة متزايدة ومتانة للأسنان في ظروف موقع العمل الصعبة. حلقة مقبض جاهزة للربط: تسمح بالتثبيت السهل للأحزمة، مما يعزز السلامة أثناء العمل. تحديد: الطول: 10 بوصات (254 ملم) الوزن: 2 رطل (0.91 كجم) سعة الفك: 1-1/2 بوصة (38 مم) المواد: الفولاذ خيارات الألوان: الأحمر متطلبات الطاقة: التشغيل اليدوي مواصفات أخرى: مناسبة للاستخدام مع أحجام الأنابيب المختلفة التي يصل قطرها إلى 1-1/2 بوصة.
28.000 JD
WorkPro 10-Inch (250mm) CR-V Curved Jaw Locking Pliers
Description:The WORKPRO 10-Inch (250mm) CR-V Curved Jaw Locking Pliers are designed for versatile gripping, clamping, and twisting tasks. Constructed from high-quality chrome vanadium (CR-V) steel, these pliers offer maximum durability and strength. The quick and easy locking and release mechanism, along with a guarded release lever, ensures safe and efficient operation. An adjustable screw allows for precise pressure adjustment to fit various workpieces. Key Features: Curved jaw design provides a better fit around curved workpieces. Built-in wire cutter enhances versatility for various applications. Quick and easy locking and release action for efficient use. Guarded release lever helps maintain safety during operation. Adjustable screw to customize holding pressure and accommodate different workpiece sizes. Made of chrome vanadium steel for enhanced durability and longevity. Specifications: Dimensions: 10 inches (250mm) in length. Weight: Approximately 290 grams. Material: Chrome vanadium (CR-V) steel. Color Options: Typically silver with ergonomic handle grips. Power Requirements: None (manual tool). Other Specs: Ideal for tightening, clamping, twisting, and rotating materials with smooth surfaces, including square and hexagonal shapes.
5.000 JD
WorkPro 10-Inch (250mm) CR-V Welding Locking Pliers
Description:The WORKPRO 10-Inch (250mm) CR-V Welding Locking Pliers are designed for maximum toughness and durability, making them ideal for welding and other metalworking tasks. Constructed from high-quality carbon steel, these pliers offer a quick and easy locking and release action, with a guarded release lever to ensure safe and efficient operation. An adjustable screw allows for precise pressure adjustment to fit various workpieces. Key Features: Carbon steel jaw for maximum toughness and durability. Quick, easy locking and release action. Guarded release lever enhances safety by preventing accidental release. Adjustable screw to customize holding pressure and fit different workpiece sizes. Specifications: Dimensions: 10 inches (250mm) in length. Weight: Approximately 337 grams (12 ounces). Material: Carbon steel. Color Options: Typically silver with ergonomic handle grips. Power Requirements: None (manual tool). Other Specs: Ideal for welding, metalwork, and holding various objects securely.
9.200 JD
WorkPro 10-Inch (250mm) Curved Jaw Locking Pliers
Description:The WORKPRO 10-Inch (250mm) Curved Jaw Locking Pliers are designed for versatile gripping and holding tasks. Made from high-quality carbon steel, these pliers feature a quick, easy locking and release action, with a guarded release lever to enhance safety during use. The adjustable screw allows for precise pressure adjustment to fit various workpieces. Key Features: Curved jaw design for a secure grip on various shapes, including round, flat, square, and hexagonal objects. Quick and easy locking and release mechanism for efficient operation. Guarded release lever enhances safety by preventing accidental release. Adjustable screw to customize holding pressure and fit different workpiece sizes. Constructed from durable carbon steel for long-lasting performance. Specifications: Dimensions: 10 inches (250mm) in length. Weight: Approximately 102 grams. Material: Carbon steel. Color Options: Typically metallic finish with ergonomic handle grips. Power Requirements: None (manual tool). Other Specs: Ideal for automotive work, plumbing, welding, and general maintenance tasks.
5.000 JD
WorkPro 10-Inch (250mm) Sheet Locking Pliers
Description:The WORKPRO 10-Inch (250mm) Sheet Locking Pliers are designed for clamping flat materials securely during welding, metalworking, or other applications requiring a firm grip on sheet materials. Constructed from high-quality carbon steel, these pliers offer maximum toughness and durability. The quick and easy locking and release action, along with a guarded release lever, ensures safe and efficient operation. An adjustable screw allows for precise pressure adjustment to fit various workpieces. Key Features: Flat, wide jaws designed for clamping sheet materials securely. Constructed from carbon steel for enhanced durability and strength. Quick and easy locking and release mechanism for efficient operation. Guarded release lever enhances safety by preventing accidental release. Adjustable screw to customize holding pressure and fit different workpiece sizes. Corrosion-resistant finish for increased longevity. Specifications: Dimensions: 10 inches (250mm) in length. Weight: Approximately 158 grams. Material: Carbon steel. Color Options: Typically silver with ergonomic handle grips. Power Requirements: None (manual tool). Other Specs: Ideal for welding, metalwork, and holding sheet materials securely.
6.250 JD
WorkPro 10-Inch (250mm) Straight Jaw Locking Pliers
Description:The WORKPRO 10-Inch (250mm) Straight Jaw Locking Pliers are designed for maximum contact on flat or square surfaces, making them ideal for welding and other metalwork tasks. Constructed from high-quality chrome vanadium (CR-V) steel, these pliers offer enhanced durability and strength. The quick and easy locking and release mechanism, along with a guarded release lever, ensures safe and efficient operation. An adjustable screw allows for precise pressure adjustment to fit various workpieces. Key Features: Straight jaw design provides maximum contact on flat or square surfaces. Constructed from chrome vanadium (CR-V) steel for enhanced durability and strength. Quick and easy locking and release mechanism for efficient operation. Guarded release lever enhances safety by preventing accidental release. Adjustable screw to customize holding pressure and fit different workpiece sizes. Corrosion-resistant finish for increased longevity. Specifications: Dimensions: 10 inches (250mm) in length. Weight: Approximately 290 grams. Material: Chrome vanadium (CR-V) steel. Color Options: Typically silver with ergonomic handle grips. Power Requirements: None (manual tool). Other Specs: Ideal for welding, metalwork, and holding various objects securely.
5.000 JD
WorkPro 10-Inch (250mm) Straight Jaw Locking Pliers
Description:The WORKPRO 10-Inch (250mm) Straight Jaw Locking Pliers are designed for maximum contact on flat or square surfaces, making them ideal for welding and other metalworking tasks. Constructed from high-quality chrome vanadium (CR-V) steel, these pliers offer enhanced durability and strength. The quick and easy locking and release mechanism, along with a guarded release lever, ensures safe and efficient operation. An adjustable screw allows for precise pressure adjustment to fit various workpieces. Key Features: Straight jaw design provides maximum contact on flat or square surfaces. Constructed from chrome vanadium (CR-V) steel for enhanced durability and strength. Quick and easy locking and release mechanism for efficient operation. Guarded release lever enhances safety by preventing accidental release. Adjustable screw to customize holding pressure and fit different workpiece sizes. Corrosion-resistant finish for increased longevity. Specifications: Dimensions: 10 inches (250mm) in length. Weight: Approximately 290 grams. Material: Chrome vanadium (CR-V) steel. Color Options: Typically silver with ergonomic handle grips. Power Requirements: None (manual tool). Other Specs: Ideal for welding, metalwork, and holding various objects securely.
5.000 JD
Milwaukee شفرات مخرطة عكسية من مادة TCT مقاس 102 مم - قطعتان
الوصف: تم تصميم شفرات المخرطة العكسية Milwaukee مقاس 102 مم TCT للنجارة عالية الدقة، مما يوفر المتانة والكفاءة للمحترفين وعشاق الأعمال اليدوية. المميزات الرئيسية: شفرات ذات أطراف مصنوعة من كربيد التنغستن (TCT): تضمن الحدة وطول العمر، وتوفر قطعًا نظيفة ودقيقة. تصميم قابل للعكس: كل شفرة ذات حافتين، مما يسمح باستخدامها لفترة أطول عن طريق قلب الشفرة ببساطة عندما يصبح أحد الجانبين باهتًا. تنوع: مناسب لتسوية الأخشاب اللينة والصلبة، مما يجعلها مثالية لمختلف مشاريع النجارة. التوافق: مصمم ليناسب مجموعة من المخططات التي تستوعب شفرات مقاس 102 ملم. تحديد: العرض: 102 ملم المواد: طرف من كربيد التنغستن كمية العبوة: 2 شفرة لكل عبوة التطبيق: مناسب لتسوية الأخشاب اللينة والصلبة
19.000 JD
Milwaukee مشبك قفل TORQUE LOCK™ مقاس 11 بوصة مع فكين دوارين
الوصف: تم تصميم مشبك Milwaukee TORQUE LOCK™ C-Clamp القفل مع الفكين الدوارين مقاس 11 بوصة لتوفير أقصى قدر من قوة التثبيت والتنوع، حيث يتميز بمسمار إبهام فريد من نوعه لضبط عزم الدوران بسهولة وفكين دوارين من أجل قبضة آمنة على الأسطح المختلفة. المميزات الرئيسية: آلية TORQUE LOCK™: تسمح بإعداد أسرع وزيادة قوة القفل مقارنة بمشابك القفل التقليدية. الفكوك الدوارة: توفر توزيعًا متساويًا للضغط وتمنع التشويه على أسطح العمل الحساسة. ثقب مفك البراغي: يوفر رافعة لإحكام برغي الإبهام، مما يضمن تثبيتًا آمنًا. التحكم بيد واحدة: يتيح التشغيل الفعال والسهل. الفكين المتينين: توفر قوة قبضة أفضل على مواد موقع العمل. بناء من سبائك الفولاذ المزورة: يضمن أقصى قدر من المتانة والقوة. حماية من الصدأ: تزيد من عمر الأداة عن طريق تقليل التآكل. مقابض مريحة مضادة للضغط: مصممة للاستخدام المريح لفترات طويلة. تحديد: الطول: 11 بوصة (280 ملم) سعة الفك: حتى 3 بوصات (76 مم) المواد: سبائك فولاذية مزورة مع حماية من الصدأ الوزن: حوالي 1.02 رطل (0.46 كجم) اللون: فضي مع لمسات حمراء متطلبات الطاقة: التشغيل اليدوي مواصفات أخرى: مناسبة لتثبيت مجموعة متنوعة من المواد والأسطح؛ مثالية لتطبيقات اللحام والنجارة والعمل المعدني.
20.000 JD
Milwaukee كماشة مريحة ذات فك سداسي مقاس 12 بوصة
الوصف: تم تصميم كماشة Milwaukee Comfort Grip Hex-Jaw مقاس 12 بوصة للحصول على الأداء الأمثل، وتتميز بتصميم V-Jaw يضمن قبضة آمنة على البراغي السداسية. المميزات الرئيسية: تصميم الفك السداسي: يوفر أفضل ملاءمة لمسامير السداسية، مما يضمن ثباتًا قويًا. آلية التعديل السريع المعدنية بالكامل: توفر 26 وضعًا للتعديل من أجل التركيب الدقيق. مقابض REAM & PUNCH™: مصممة لإزالة النتوءات من الأنابيب التي يصل حجمها إلى 2 3/4 بوصة وثقب الفتحات الكهربائية. أسنان صلبة: تضمن قدرة إمساك طويلة الأمد. تصميم رأس نحيف: يسمح بالوصول إلى الأماكن الضيقة. مقابض مريحة: مقابض مصبوبة بشكل مناسب لتقاوم التقشير في ظل ظروف موقع العمل. مقاوم للصدأ: متانة محسنة في بيئات مختلفة. تحديد: الطول: 12 بوصة (304 ملم) سعة الفك: ما يصل إلى 2 3/4 بوصة (70 مم) مسمار سداسي أوضاع التعديل: 26 المواد: سبائك فولاذية مطروقة بالنيكل والكروم صلابة الأسنان: مقوا لتحمل قبضة طويلة الأمد اللون: فضي مع مقابض مريحة باللونين الأحمر والأسود متطلبات الطاقة: التشغيل اليدوي مواصفات أخرى: مناسبة للإمساك بالمسامير والصواميل السداسية؛ مثالية لتطبيقات السباكة والكهرباء والصيانة العامة.
15.000 JD
WorkPro 12" Cr-V Groove Joint Pliers
Description: The WORKPRO 12" Cr-V Groove Joint Pliers WP231112WE are designed for versatile gripping and holding tasks. Constructed from durable chrome vanadium steel, these pliers offer high leverage for increased power and feature hardened jaws for enhanced performance. The bi-material handle provides an anti-slip and comfortable grip, ensuring user safety and comfort during prolonged use. Key Features: Durable chrome vanadium steel construction High leverage design for extra power Hardened jaws for improved performance Bi-material handle for anti-slip and comfortable grip Specifications: Size: 12 inches Material: Chrome vanadium steel Handle Material: Bi-material for enhanced grip Color Options: Typically features a blue and red handle design Power Requirements: None (manual operation) Other Specs: Suitable for gripping various shapes and sizes; ideal for plumbing, automotive, and general applications
7.000 JD
Goldblatt مشحاف متعدد يد فيبر 12 انش goldblatt
تم تصميم مشحاف متعدد يد فيبر 12 انش لإزالة أغطية الأرضيات المختلفة بكفاءة، بما في ذلك بلاط الفينيل، وألواح الفينيل، وشرائط تثبيت السجاد، وغراء السجاد، والصفائح الخشبية، والأرضيات الخشبية. تتميز بشفرة فولاذية عالية الكربون ثقيلة الوزن يمكن إعادة شحذها للاستخدام لفترة طويلة. يوفر المقبض المصنوع من الألياف الزجاجية غير القابل للكسر مقاس 50 بوصة القوة والمرونة، بينما يوفر التصميم ذو الرأس المنحني زاوية عمل أفضل. المميزات الرئيسية: شفرة فولاذية عالية الكربون ذات مقياس ثقيل مقبض من الألياف الزجاجية غير قابل للكسر مقاس 50 بوصة تصميم برأس منحني لتحسين الزاوية شفرة قابلة لإعادة الشحذ تحديد: عرض الشفرة: 12 بوصة (305 ملم) طول المقبض: 50 بوصة (1270 ملم) الوزن: حوالي 1.5 كجم (3.3 رطل) المواد: شفرة من الفولاذ عالي الكربون، مقبض من الألياف الزجاجية
16.650 JD
WorkPro 12-Inch F-Clamp with Wooden Handle
Description: The WORKPRO 12-Inch F-Clamp WP232026 is a versatile and reliable tool designed for woodworking and general clamping applications. Featuring a durable steel bar and a comfortable wooden handle, this clamp provides a secure grip and easy adjustments. The removable jaw pads protect your workpiece from damage, ensuring a firm hold without marring surfaces. With a clamping capacity of 12 inches (300mm) and a throat depth of 2.5 inches (65mm), it is ideal for a variety of projects. Key Features: Durable Steel Bar: Ensures strength and longevity for various clamping tasks. Comfortable Wooden Handle: Provides a secure and ergonomic grip for ease of use. Removable Jaw Pads: Protect work surfaces from scratches and damage. 12-Inch Clamping Capacity: Suitable for a wide range of woodworking and DIY projects. 2.5-Inch Throat Depth: Allows for adequate reach and versatility in clamping. Specifications: Material: Steel bar with wooden handle Clamping Capacity: 12 inches (300mm) Throat Depth: 2.5 inches (65mm) Handle: Wooden, ergonomically designed Jaw Pads: Removable, non-marring Weight: Approximately 1.5 pounds (680 grams) Color: Metallic bar with natural wood handle Usage: Ideal for woodworking, carpentry, and general clamping needs
3.100 JD
WorkPro 12-Inch F-Clamp with Wooden Handle
Description: The WORKPRO 12-Inch F-Clamp WP232027 is a versatile and reliable tool designed for woodworking and general clamping applications. Featuring a durable steel bar and a comfortable wooden handle, this clamp provides a secure grip and easy adjustments. The removable jaw pads protect your workpiece from damage, ensuring a firm hold without marring surfaces. With a clamping capacity of 12 inches (300mm) and a throat depth of 3.15 inches (80mm), it is ideal for a variety of projects.Key Features: Durable Steel Bar: Ensures strength and longevity for various clamping tasks. Comfortable Wooden Handle: Provides a secure and ergonomic grip for ease of use. Removable Jaw Pads: Protect work surfaces from scratches and damage. 12-Inch Clamping Capacity: Suitable for a wide range of woodworking and DIY projects. 3.15-Inch Throat Depth: Allows for adequate reach and versatility in clamping. Specifications: Material: Steel bar with wooden handle Clamping Capacity: 12 inches (300mm) Throat Depth: 3.15 inches (80mm) Handle: Wooden, ergonomically designed Jaw Pads: Removable, non-marring Weight: Approximately 1.5 pounds (680 grams) Color: Metallic bar with natural wood handle Usage: Ideal for woodworking, carpentry, and general clamping needs
5.150 JD
WorkPro 12-Inch Heavy-Duty Steel Bar Clamp
Description:The Pony Jorgensen 12-Inch Heavy-Duty Steel Bar Clamp is designed for robust clamping in various applications, including woodworking and metalworking. It features a high-carbon, rust-resistant steel bar with iron castings finished in orange powder coating for durability. The sliding head is threaded to accommodate a cold-drawn steel screw with a large easy-grip handle and swivel pad, allowing for quick adjustments and secure holding at any point along the bar. Protective pads made of thick, durable plastic safeguard your work surfaces. Key Features: High-carbon, rust-resistant steel bar for enhanced durability. Iron castings with orange powder-coated finish. Sliding head design with cold-drawn steel screw and easy-grip handle. Protective pads to prevent damage to work surfaces. Multiple-disc clutch design for secure holding at any point along the bar. Specifications: Maximum Opening Size: 12 inches. Throat Depth: 3 inches. Clamping Force: Up to 1,000 lbs. Bar Dimensions: 1 inch x 5/16 inch. Handle Type: Easy-grip. Material: High-carbon steel bar; iron castings. Color: Orange. Weight: Approximately 2.992 lbs.
13.350 JD
WorkPro 12-Inch Steel Bar Clamp
Description: The WORKPRO 12-Inch Steel Bar Clamp WP232031 is a durable and versatile tool designed for woodworking, metalworking, and general clamping applications. It features a thickened serrated steel bar for maximum strength and longevity. The non-slip soft padded jaws ensure firm clamping while protecting the surface of your workpieces. Its quick adjustment design allows for easy use, and the tri-color ergonomic handle offers a comfortable and labor-saving grip. Key Features: Thickened Serrated Steel Bar: Provides maximum strength and durability for various clamping tasks. Non-Slip Soft Padded Jaws: Ensure firm clamping and protect workpiece surfaces from damage. Quick Adjustment Design: Allows for easy and efficient use during projects. Ergonomic Handle: Tri-color design offers a comfortable and labor-saving grip. Specifications: Material: Steel bar with plastic components Clamping Capacity: 12 inches (300 mm) Throat Depth: 4.5 inches (115 mm) Handle: Ergonomic plastic design Jaw Pads: Non-slip, soft padded Weight: Approximately 1.54 pounds (700 g) Color: Steel with tri-color handle Usage: Ideal for woodworking, metalworking, and general clamping needs
6.700 JD
WorkPro 120 x 400mm Steel Bar Clamp
Description: The WORKPRO 120 x 400mm Steel Bar Clamp W032025 is a durable and versatile tool designed for woodworking, metalworking, and general clamping applications. Featuring a robust steel bar and ergonomic handle, this clamp provides a secure grip and precise pressure distribution, ensuring your workpieces are held firmly in place during various projects. Key Features: Durable Steel Construction: Ensures longevity and reliability for various clamping tasks. Ergonomic Handle: Provides a comfortable and secure grip for ease of use. Wide Clamping Capacity: Suitable for a range of woodworking and metalworking projects. Precise Pressure Distribution: Maintains even pressure across the workpiece to prevent damage. Specifications: Material: Steel Clamping Capacity: 120 x 400mm Handle: Ergonomic design for comfortable use Weight: Approximately 1.5 kg Color: Metallic with blue accents Usage: Ideal for woodworking, metalworking, and general clamping needs
9.350 JD
WorkPro 120 x 400mm Steel Bar Clamp
Description: The WORKPRO 120 x 400mm Steel Bar Clamp W032025 is a durable and versatile tool designed for woodworking, metalworking, and general clamping applications. Featuring a robust steel bar and ergonomic handle, this clamp provides a secure grip and precise pressure distribution, ensuring your workpieces are held firmly in place during various projects. Key Features: Durable Steel Construction: Ensures longevity and reliability for various clamping tasks. Ergonomic Handle: Provides a comfortable and secure grip for ease of use. Wide Clamping Capacity: Suitable for a range of woodworking and metalworking projects. Precise Pressure Distribution: Maintains even pressure across the workpiece to prevent damage. Specifications: Material: Steel Clamping Capacity: 120 x 400mm Handle: Ergonomic design for comfortable use Weight: Approximately 1.5 kg Color: Metallic with blue accents Usage: Ideal for woodworking, metalworking, and general clamping needs
11.000 JD
Goldblatt ابليكيتور goldblatt
تم تصميم زجاجة تطبيق مانع التسرب PaceSetter سعة 12 أونصة لسهولة تطبيق مانع التسرب على مفاصل الجص في الأرضيات والجدران وأسطح العمل. تضمن لك تطبيقًا أنيقًا بدون فوضى وبدون تنقيط. المميزات الرئيسية: يحتوي على عجلتين للتطبيق: عجلة مقاس 1/8 بوصة للفسيفساء والبلاط الأرضي المتباعد عجلة مقاس 1/4 بوصة للمفاصل الأكبر سعة الزجاجة 12 أونصة تطبيق بسيط، بدون فوضى تحديد: الأبعاد: تقريبًا 8.11 × 2.48 × 2.36 بوصة (20.6 × 6.3 × 6 سم) الوزن: 1.41 أونصة (40 جرامًا) المواد: زجاجة بلاستيكية مع عجلات بلاستيكية خيارات الألوان: زجاجة حمراء
2.650 JD
WorkPro 13-Inch Tool Bag
Description: The WORKPRO 13-Inch Tool Bag is constructed from durable 600D polyester fabric, offering tear resistance and longevity. Its wide-mouth design, reinforced with internal steel, allows for easy access to tools, while multiple pockets provide organized storage for various tool sizes. Key Features: Wide 13-inch open mouth for easy tool access. Constructed from tear-resistant 600D polyester material. Sturdy bottom plate to protect tools from impact. Multiple pockets: 5 interior and 4 exterior for organized storage. Padded handle wrap for comfortable carrying. Specifications: Dimensions: 13 x 6.5 x 8.5 inches (33 x 16.5 x 21.5 cm) Weight: Approximately 600g Material: 600D Polyester Color Options: Blue Power Requirements: None (Manual Tool Bag) Other Specs: Double-pull zipper for secure closure; suitable for electrical, plumbing, carpentry, automotive, home DIY, and more.
2.900 JD
Goldblatt وعاء عمل 12 انش goldblatt
تم تصميم وعاء عمل البلاستيكي Goldblatt مقاس 14 بوصة لحمل مركب الوصلات بين الحوائط الجافة. مصنوع من البلاستيك المتين، ويتميز بقضيب كشط معدني لمسح الشفرات وتنظيفها، كما أنه مقاوم للمواد الكيميائية وتغيرات درجات الحرارة. المميزات الرئيسية: بناء بلاستيكي متين شريط كشط معدني لتنظيف الشفرات مقاومة للمواد الكيميائية وتغيرات درجات الحرارة تحديد: الأبعاد: 14 بوصة طولاً وزن: حوالي 0.5 رطل (227 جرامًا) المواد: البلاستيك مع شريط كشط معدني
3.000 JD
WorkPro 14-Inch Tool Bag
Description: The WORKPRO 14-Inch Tool Bag is constructed from durable 600D polyester fabric, offering tear resistance and longevity. Its wide-mouth design, reinforced with internal steel, allows for easy access to tools, while multiple pockets provide organized storage for various tool sizes. Key Features: Wide 14-inch open mouth for easy tool access. Constructed from tear-resistant 600D polyester material. Sturdy bottom plate to protect tools from impact. Multiple pockets for organized storage. Padded handle wrap for comfortable carrying. Specifications: Dimensions: 14 x 7 x 9 inches (35.5 x 18 x 23 cm) Weight: Approximately 700g Material: 600D Polyester Color Options: Blue Power Requirements: None (Manual Tool Bag) Other Specs: Double-pull zipper for secure closure; suitable for electrical, plumbing, carpentry, automotive, home DIY, and more.
3.000 JD
WorkPro 140mm Eyelet Pliers
Description: The WORKPRO 140mm Eyelet Pliers WP231079 are designed for installing eyelets in various materials, providing a secure and professional finish for projects like leather crafting, fabric work, and more. Constructed from high-quality carbon steel, these pliers offer durability and rust resistance. The ergonomic handle ensures comfort during prolonged use, and the tool comes with 100 pieces of 4.5mm eyelet rivets to get you started on your projects. Key Features: High-Quality Material: Made from carbon steel for durability and rust resistance. Ergonomic Handle: Designed for comfort during extended use. Comprehensive Set: Includes 100 pieces of 4.5mm eyelet rivets. Compact Size: 140mm length for easy handling and storage. Versatile Application: Suitable for leather, fabric, and other materials. Easy to Clean: Smooth surface allows for quick cleaning. Professional Finish: Ensures secure and neat eyelet installation. Specifications: Material: Carbon steel Color: Typically metallic with colored handles (confirm with retailer) Size: 140mm length Weight: Approximately 220g Eyelet Size: 4.5mm diameter Included Accessories: 100 pieces of 4.5mm eyelet rivets Warranty: Limited warranty (confirm with retailer)
4.200 JD
WorkPro 15-Inch Tool Bag
Description: The WORKPRO 15-Inch Tool Bag is constructed from durable 600D polyester fabric, offering tear resistance and longevity. Its wide-mouth design, reinforced with internal steel, allows for easy access to tools, while multiple pockets provide organized storage for various tool sizes. The bag features a sturdy bottom plate to protect tools from impact and a padded handle wrap for comfortable carrying. Key Features: Wide 15-inch open mouth for easy tool access. Constructed from tear-resistant 600D polyester material. Sturdy bottom plate to protect tools from impact. Multiple pockets for organized storage. Padded handle wrap for comfortable carrying. Specifications: Dimensions: 15 x 8 x 10 inches (38 x 20 x 25 cm) Weight: Approximately 800g Material: 600D Polyester Color Options: Blue Power Requirements: None (Manual Tool Bag) Other Specs: Double-pull zipper for secure closure; suitable for electrical, plumbing, carpentry, automotive, home DIY, and more.
3.650 JD
WorkPro 15-Inch Tool Bag
Description: The WORKPRO 15-Inch Tool Bag is constructed from durable 600D polyester fabric, offering tear resistance and longevity. Its wide-mouth design, reinforced with internal steel, allows for easy access to tools, while multiple pockets provide organized storage for various tool sizes. The bag features a sturdy bottom plate to protect tools from impact and a padded handle wrap for comfortable carrying. Key Features: Wide 15-inch open mouth for easy tool access. Constructed from tear-resistant 600D polyester material. Sturdy bottom plate to protect tools from impact. Multiple pockets for organized storage. Padded handle wrap for comfortable carrying. Specifications: Dimensions: 15 x 8 x 10 inches (38 x 20 x 25 cm) Weight: Approximately 800g Material: 600D Polyester Color Options: Blue Power Requirements: None (Manual Tool Bag) Other Specs: Double-pull zipper for secure closure; suitable for electrical, plumbing, carpentry, automotive, home DIY, and more.
4.100 JD
WorkPro 150mm (6") Adjustable Wrench
Description:The WORKPRO WP272001 is a 150mm (6") adjustable wrench designed for versatility in various mechanical tasks, including industrial, construction, automotive, and plumbing applications. Its forged carbon steel construction ensures durability, while the chrome-plated finish provides resistance against rust and corrosion. Key Features: Durable Construction: Forged from high-quality carbon steel for enhanced strength. Rust Resistance: Chrome-plated finish protects against rust and corrosion, extending the tool's lifespan. Adjustable Jaw: Precision-machined slide jaw and worm gear allow for exact fastener fit and smooth adjustment, accommodating various bolt sizes. Measurement Scale: Features inch/metric measurement scale for accurate adjustments. Ergonomic Design: Ergonomic grip and portable design make it easier for you to use. Specifications: Dimensions: 150mm (6") Weight: NA Material: Forged carbon steel Color Options: Silver Jaw Capacity: Up to 20mm (3/4") Power Requirements: None
2.400 JD
WorkPro 150mm (6") Adjustable Wrench
Description:The WORKPRO WP272010 is a 150mm (6") adjustable wrench designed for versatility in various mechanical tasks, including industrial, construction, automotive, and plumbing applications. Its chrome vanadium steel (CR-V) construction ensures durability, while the chrome-plated finish provides resistance against rust and corrosion. Key Features: Durable Construction: Forged from high-quality chrome vanadium steel (CR-V) for enhanced strength. Rust Resistance: Chrome-plated finish protects against rust and corrosion, extending the tool's lifespan. Adjustable Jaw: Precision-machined slide jaw and worm gear allow for exact fastener fit and smooth adjustment, accommodating various bolt sizes. Ergonomic Design: Dual-material comfort grip handle provides a non-slip grip for maximum torque and comfort. Specifications: Dimensions: 150mm (6 Weight: Approximately 173g Material: Chrome vanadium steel (CR-V) Color Options: Silver with red and blue handle Jaw Capacity: Up to 24mm Power Requirements: None
3.650 JD
WorkPro 150mm (6") Heavy Duty Adjustable Wrench
Description:The WORKPRO WP272006 is a 150mm (6") heavy-duty adjustable wrench designed for various mechanical tasks, including automotive repairs, plumbing, and general maintenance. Constructed from heat-treated chrome vanadium steel (CR-V) for enhanced strength and durability, it features a chrome-plated finish for rust and corrosion resistance. The large knurl allows for easy adjustments, ensuring a secure grip on fasteners, while the thumb-shaped recess design handle provides comfort during prolonged use. Key Features: Durable Construction: Made from heat-treated chrome vanadium steel (CR-V) for superior strength and durability. Rust Resistance: Chrome-plated finish protects against rust and corrosion, extending the tool's lifespan. Easy Adjustments: Large knurl allows for smooth and precise jaw adjustments, accommodating various fastener sizes. Ergonomic Handle: Thumb-shaped recess design handle offers a comfortable and secure grip, reducing hand fatigue. Specifications: Dimensions: 150mm (6") Weight: Approximately 153g Material: Heat-treated chrome vanadium steel (CR-V) Jaw Capacity: Up to 24mm Finish: Chrome-plated for rust and corrosion resistance Handle Design: Thumb-shaped recess for ergonomic grip Power Requirements: None
4.580 JD
WorkPro 150mm (6") Lightweight Quick Release Bar Clamp
Description:The WORKPRO 150mm (6") Lightweight Quick Release Bar Clamp is designed for efficient and reliable clamping in various DIY and professional applications. Featuring a one-handed trigger mechanism, it allows for quick adjustments and releases, enhancing user convenience. The clamp can be easily converted into a spreader without the need for additional tools, increasing its versatility. Equipped with soft pads that have a non-slip surface, it firmly holds workpieces while protecting them from damage. Constructed with reinforced nylon, this clamp offers durability and strength, making it ideal for woodworking, manufacturing, and assembly projects. Key Features: One-handed trigger for quick release and adjustment. Easily converts to a spreader without additional tools. Soft pads with non-slip surface to protect workpieces. Reinforced nylon construction for durability. Maximum clamping force of 150 lbs. Specifications: Clamping Capacity: 150mm (6"). Throat Depth: 60mm. Clamping Force: Up to 150 lbs (approximately 68 kg). Material: Reinforced nylon body with soft plastic jaw pads. Color Options: Typically red and blue handle with black bar and jaws. Power Requirements: None (manual operation). Other Specs: Lightweight design suitable for DIY projects and professional applications.
5.400 JD
WorkPro 15mm Combination Wrench
Description: The WORKPRO 15mm Combination Wrench is a durable and precise tool designed for tightening and loosening nuts and bolts. Key Features: High-Quality CR-V Steel Construction: Forged from high-carbon steel for enhanced durability and strength. Chrome-Plated Finish: Provides excellent corrosion resistance and a polished appearance. Precision Machined Jaw: Ensures exact fit for 15mm fasteners, reducing the risk of slippage. Ergonomic Design: Slim and lightweight, ideal for use in confined spaces. Exceeds Standard Torque Performance: Offers 1.6 times higher torque efficiency compared to standard wrenches. Specifications: Dimensions: Length: Approximately 200mm Weight: Approximately 0.2 kg Material: High-Carbon CR-V Steel Finish: Chrome-Plated Size: 15mm Standards Compliance: DIN Standard
1.850 JD
WorkPro 16-Inch Tool Bag
Description: The WORKPRO 16-Inch Tool Bag is constructed from durable 600D polyester fabric, offering tear resistance and longevity. Its wide-mouth design, reinforced with internal steel, allows for easy access to tools, while multiple pockets provide organized storage for various tool sizes. The bag features a sturdy bottom plate to protect tools from impact and a padded handle wrap for comfortable carrying. Key Features: Wide 16-inch open mouth for easy tool access. Constructed from tear-resistant 600D polyester material. Sturdy bottom plate to protect tools from impact. Multiple pockets for organized storage. Padded handle wrap for comfortable carrying. Specifications: Dimensions: 16 x 9 x 11 inches (40.6 x 22.9 x 27.9 cm) Weight: Approximately 900g Material: 600D Polyester Color Options: Blue Power Requirements: None (Manual Tool Bag) Other Specs: Double-pull zipper for secure closure; suitable for electrical, plumbing, carpentry, automotive, home DIY, and more.
5.400 JD
WorkPro 16-Piece Combination Wrench Set
Description: The WORKPRO 16-Piece Combination Wrench Set WP202503 is a comprehensive collection of high-quality wrenches designed for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts. Each wrench is constructed from chrome vanadium steel, heat-treated for enhanced strength and durability, and features a sand-blasted, chrome-plated finish for corrosion resistance. The set includes a range of metric sizes, making it suitable for various applications, from home repairs to automotive maintenance. The wrenches are housed in a convenient roll-up pouch for easy storage and portability. Key Features: High-Quality Material: Made from chrome vanadium steel, heat-treated for superior strength and durability. Corrosion Resistant: Sand-blasted and chrome-plated finish provides excellent resistance to rust and corrosion. Comprehensive Size Range: Includes 16 metric sizes: 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm, 13mm, 14mm, 15mm, 17mm, 19mm, 21mm, 22mm, 24mm, 27mm, 30mm, and 32mm. Convenient Storage: Comes with a roll-up pouch for organized storage and easy transportation. Versatile Use: Ideal for a wide range of applications, including home repairs and basic vehicle maintenance. Specifications: Material: Chrome vanadium steel Finish: Sand-blasted and chrome-plated Sizes Included: 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm, 13mm, 14mm, 15mm, 17mm, 19mm, 21mm, 22mm, 24mm, 27mm, 30mm, 32mm Storage: Roll-up pouch Weight: Approximately 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) Color: Silver wrenches with a blue and red storage pouch Usage: Suitable for both professional and DIY applications
46.650 JD
WorkPro 160mm Cable Cutter
Description:The Workpro WP293001 is a 160mm (6-inch) cable cutter designed for efficiently cutting multi-strand copper and aluminum cables. Crafted from high-quality Cr-V (Chromium-Vanadium) steel, it features a polished head and sharp cutting edges for smooth and powerful cuts. The blue glossy plastic handle is dirt-resistant and easy to clean, ensuring comfortable use. Key Features: High-quality Cr-V steel construction for durability. Polished head with sharp and sturdy cutting edges. Capable of cutting multi-strand copper and aluminum cables. Not suitable for cutting iron wires, steel wires, or steel cable cores. Blue glossy plastic handle that is dirt-resistant and easy to clean. Specifications: Dimensions: 160mm (6 inches) in length. Weight: Approximately 247 grams. Material: Cr-V (Chromium-Vanadium) steel. Color Options: Blue handle. Power Requirements: None (manual tool). Other Specs: Designed for cutting multi-strand copper and aluminum cables; not suitable for iron or steel wires.
4.150 JD
Goldblatt شاكوش ربر يد خشب 0.5 كيلو Goldblatt
تتميز مطرقة المطاط البيضاء Goldblatt® 16 أونصة بمقبض من خشب الهيكوري برأس مطاطي صلب كبير الحجم مصمم لتحقيق إحساس وتوازن مثاليين. يضمن الرأس المطاطي الأبيض بقاء الأسطح خالية من العلامات أثناء الاستخدام. يتم تثبيت الرأس بشكل آمن على مقبض مريح من الخشب الصلب، مما يجعلها مثالية لتثبيت البلاط أو أي تطبيق يتطلب رأسًا مطاطيًا واقيًا. المميزات الرئيسية: رأس مطاطي أبيض صلب كبير الحجم يمنع ترك علامات على السطح. تم تركيبه بشكل آمن على مقبض مريح من الخشب الصلب. مثالي لتثبيت البلاط والتطبيقات الأخرى التي تحتاج إلى ضربة غير قابلة للتشويه. تحديد: الأبعاد: 13.2 بوصة (الطول) × 3.7 بوصة (العرض). الوزن: 1.52 رطل (حوالي 0.69 كجم). المواد: رأس مطاطي أبيض صلب؛ مقبض من الخشب الصلب. خيارات الألوان: رأس أبيض بمقبض من الخشب الطبيعي.
5.420 JD
WorkPro 17mm CR-V Steel Combination Spanner
Description: The WORKPRO 17mm CR-V Steel Combination Spanner is a versatile hand tool designed for both professional mechanics and DIY enthusiasts, ideal for tightening and loosening 17mm fasteners. Key Features: Dual-Ended Design: Combines an open-ended spanner and a ring spanner for versatility across various applications. 15° Offset Ring End: Provides easier access to fasteners in tight spaces. Ergonomic Shape: Ensures optimal user comfort during prolonged use. High-Quality CR-V Steel Construction: Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel for enhanced durability and strength. Corrosion-Resistant Finish: Sandblasted and chrome-plated for long-lasting protection against rust. Specifications: Dimensions: Length: Approximately 200mm Weight: Approximately 0.08 kg Material: Chrome Vanadium Steel (CR-V) Finish: Sandblasted with Chrome Plating Size: 17mm Standards Compliance: Meets DIN standards
2.000 JD
WorkPro 18-Inch (450mm) C-Clamp Locking Pliers
Description:The WORKPRO 18-Inch (450mm) C-Clamp Locking Pliers are designed to provide a firm and secure grip on various workpieces, making them ideal for woodworking, welding, and metalworking tasks. Constructed from high-quality materials, these pliers offer durability and reliability for both professional craftsmen and DIY enthusiasts. The adjustable screw mechanism allows for precise pressure control, ensuring optimal performance across different applications. The quick-release lever facilitates easy and efficient operation, enhancing user convenience. Key Features: 18-inch (450mm) length for extended reach and versatility. C-shaped jaws designed to clamp a wide range of shapes and sizes securely. Durable construction for long-lasting performance. Adjustable screw mechanism for precise pressure control. Quick-release lever for easy operation. Suitable for woodworking, welding, and metalworking applications. Specifications: Dimensions: 18 inches (450mm) in length. Weight: Approximately 1.5 kg. Material: High-quality steel with a corrosion-resistant finish. Color Options: Typically metallic silver with ergonomic handle grips. Power Requirements: None (manual tool). Other Specs: Ideal for clamping large or irregularly shaped workpieces securely.
12.500 JD
WorkPro 18-Inch (450mm) Steel Bar Clamp
Description:The WORKPRO 18-Inch (450mm) Steel Bar Clamp is engineered for robust clamping in woodworking and metalworking projects. Featuring a thickened serrated steel bar, it ensures maximum strength and durability. The non-slip soft padded jaws provide firm clamping while protecting the surface of workpieces. Its quick adjustment design allows for easy use, and the tri-color ergonomic handle offers a comfortable, labor-saving grip. Key Features: Thickened serrated steel bar for enhanced strength and longevity. Non-slip soft padded jaws to protect workpiece surfaces. Quick adjustment mechanism for user-friendly operation. Ergonomically shaped wooden handle for comfortable use. Cold-drawn steel screws to enhance gripping ability. Pressed and riveted fixed head adds clamping power. Specifications: Length: 18 inches (450mm). Width: 115mm. Height: 25mm. Weight: Approximately 831 grams. Material: Steel bar with wooden handle. Color Options: Tri-color ergonomic handle. Power Requirements: None (manual tool). Other Specs: Suitable for woodworking or metalworking projects.
9.150 JD
WorkPro 18-Inch Heavy-Duty Steel Bar Clamp
Description:The Jorgensen 18-Inch Heavy-Duty Steel Bar Clamp is engineered for demanding clamping tasks in woodworking, metalworking, and other professional applications. It features cast-iron stationary and sliding heads with an orange, powder-coated finish, combined with a high-carbon, rust-resistant steel bar that delivers exceptional tensile strength. The fast-acting sliding head is acme threaded to accommodate a cold-drawn steel screw equipped with a large easy-grip handle and swivel pad, facilitating quick adjustments and secure holding at any point along the bar. Protective pads made of thick, durable plastic safeguard your work surfaces during use. Key Features: High-carbon, rust-resistant steel bar for enhanced durability. Cast-iron heads with orange powder-coated finish for increased strength. Fast-acting sliding head with acme-threaded, cold-drawn steel screw. Large easy-grip handle and swivel pad for user-friendly operation. Protective pads to prevent damage to work surfaces. Multiple-disc clutch design allows secure holding at any point along the bar. Specifications: Maximum Opening Size: 18 inches. Throat Depth: 3 inches. Clamping Force: Up to 1,000 lbs. Bar Dimensions: 1 inch x 5/16 inch. Handle Type: Easy-grip. Material: High-carbon steel bar; cast-iron heads. Color: Orange. Weight: Approximately 1.62 kg.
15.850 JD
WorkPro 180mm (7") Curved Jaw Locking Pliers
Description:The WORKPRO 180mm (7") Curved Jaw Locking Pliers are designed for maximum durability and versatility. Crafted from chrome-vanadium steel, these pliers provide a strong and secure grip, making them essential for various applications such as jewelry making, metalworking, and electrical tasks. Key Features: Chrome-vanadium steel jaws for enhanced durability. Quick and easy locking and release action. Guarded release mechanism ensures fast and safe operation. Adjustable screw to modify holding pressure and fit different workpieces. Integrated wire cutter at the jaw base for added functionality. Specifications: Dimensions: 180mm (7") length Weight: Approximately 0.5 kg Material: Chrome-vanadium steel Color Options: Typically available in blue or red handles Power Requirements: None (manual tool) Other Specs: Ergonomic tri-material comfort grip handle
4.900 JD
Goldblatt مشحاف مع يد 7 انش goldblatt
تم تصميم مشحاف الأرضيات الثقيلة Goldblatt مقاس 180 مم لإزالة أغطية الأرضيات المختلفة بكفاءة، بما في ذلك بلاط الفينيل، وألواح الفينيل، وشرائط تثبيت السجاد، وغراء السجاد، والصفائح الخشبية، والأرضيات الخشبية. تتميز بشفرة فولاذية عالية الكربون ثقيلة الوزن يمكن إعادة شحذها للاستخدام لفترة طويلة. يوفر المقبض المصنوع من الألياف الزجاجية غير القابل للكسر مقاس 50 بوصة القوة والمرونة، بينما يوفر التصميم ذو الرأس المنحني زاوية عمل أفضل. المميزات الرئيسية: شفرة فولاذية عالية الكربون ذات مقياس ثقيل مقبض من الألياف الزجاجية غير قابل للكسر مقاس 50 بوصة تصميم برأس منحني لتحسين الزاوية شفرة قابلة لإعادة الشحذ تحديد: عرض الشفرة: 180 ملم (7 بوصات) طول المقبض: 50 بوصة الوزن: حوالي 5.9 رطل (2.68 كجم) المواد: شفرة من الفولاذ عالي الكربون، مقبض من الألياف الزجاجية
18.350 JD